Stop the Mess! 2009

A survey by Living Lamma revealed concerns about specific parts of Yung Shue Wan and North Lamma that were either unsightly, derelict, littered or used to dump trash

Many North Lamma residents and business owners wanted to find out how to get public areas of Lamma cleaned up and improve the local environment both for people who live on the island and visitors.

So in late 2009 and early 2010 we took photos, documented the problems and wrote a report called Stop the Mess!

By producing the report and talking with civil servants we learned about the roles and responsibilities of different government departments involved and often many departments need to coordinate in order to address waste management issues – it’s incredibly complex!

For example, litter is not the responsibility of any one department, a solution depends on the type of litter and the location of the litter.

We had to present the Stop the Mess! report to all the various government departments responsible: FEHD, District Lands Office, Lands Department, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Environmental Protection Department and the District Office.

Later we hosted a joint visit with these departments and used this report as a basis for following up on actions.

We looked at 12 different villages in North Lamma in 2010, so today the report may be a useful benchmark for progress.

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