Stop The Mess – C – Sha Po

Sha Po through to Tai Yuen and Wang Long
REF: STW0010210

A stockpile of old doors, old bike, polystyrene container and other items near lamppost number 35767 at Sha Po.

Responsibility: Presumably this is private land, but it is next to the public footpath in a residential area. What can be done to clean up these areas?

REF: STW0020210

There seem to be more and more metal fences on Lamma, creating more and more eyesores. There are alternatives that would not have such a negative visual impact.

Responsibility: Lands department? Are there any stipulations for erecting fences in residential areas?

REF: STW0030210

Stockpile of old engine parts, and old washing machine, old bike, furniture parts, building materials, none of which look like they will be used at Sha Po village.

Responsibility: Private land again? Can anything be done to improve this area?

REF: STW0040210

The ugly metal fence surrounding this construction yard at Sha Po village almost touches the balcony of the house next to it. Other flats overlook this site, which is in the middle of a residential area. No attempt has been made to make things look nice.

Responsibility: Where is the planning on Lamma? What protection do people have from this happening in front of their homes?

REF: STW0050210

The view from the path in Sha Po village, with a stockpile of rusty metal and makeshift fencing.

Responsibility: What can be done to clear up this area?

REF: STW0060210

Various building materials left behind next to a tree in Sha Po near lamppost 46996. This area was recently used by Kaden to stockpile materials.

Responsibility: Kaden? DSD? Lands Department?

REF: STW0070210

Plastic bottles and construction waste at Sha Po near lamppost number 46154. Though a new house is being built nearby, there is no reason that the site should be left in such a state right next to the footpath in a residential area.

Responsibility: Lands Department? Are there any guidelines for the construction of village houses in terms of keeping the surrounding area clean?

REF: STW0080210

Another ugly fence in Sha Po Old Village near house number 113. Surely there is another solution?

Responsibility: Lands Department?

REF: STW0090210

Various materials – windows, old canopies, pipes, old washing machines, a frying pan, plastic buckets, a gas bottle, furniture near 113 Sha Po Old Village.

Responsibility: Lands Department? Likely to be private land, but how can a clean up be encouraged?

REF: STW0100210

This pile of barriers with the Home Affairs Department is part of the same pile of materials described in the previous picture. Surely these should be taken back when not in use or stored out of sight?

Responsibility: Home Affairs Department, Lands Department

REF: STW0110210

Metal box and various items stored next to the path through Sha Po Old Village near house 113.

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: STW0120210

Old metal drum, wheelbarrow and machinery near house 113 at Sha Po Old Village

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: STW0130210

An old, rusty digger near house number 107 in Sha Po Old Village

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: STW0140210

The path through to houses in Sha Po Old Village – muddy with rubble and prone to being water logged.

Responsibility: Lands Department? Planning Department? Can a proper path be put in?

REF: STW0150210

A pile of boards, metal sheeting and old pipes near 107 Sha Po Old Village.

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: STW0160210

This spot next to 44 Tai Yuen Village was highlighted to the FEHD on their previous visit. Since then the dumping has got worse and a sign has been erected to say that it is private land. It is also in the middle of a residential area where children play.

Responsibility: Lands Department, EPD. This should not be allowed to happen. What can be done to clean this up and prevent further dumping?

REF: STW0170210

The path near 20A Tai Yuen Village has old board, broken plastic pipe and what appears to be an open drain next to it. Can this be cleaned up?

Responsibility: Lands Department, DSD?

REF: STW0180210

Opposite Lot 2204 DD3 in Wang Long Village there is a pile of stones, an old gas bottle, boards, bits of wood, pipes and various other rubbish deposited in the greenery.

Responsibility: Lands Department, Planning? Over time these boards will break down and create more rubbish. Can a proper path be put in here?

REF: STW0190210

Broken windows near 71 Wang Long Village

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: STW0200210

Rusty metal and broken palettes near 71 Wang Long Village

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: STW0210210

Old cement mixers near 71 Wang Long Village. They’ve been there for at least 10 years.

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: STW0220210

Old boards near 71 Wang Long Village.

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: STW0230210

Old boards near lamppost number 42154 in Wang Long Village

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: STW0240210

Old shack with old washing machine near lamppost 42154 in Wang Long Village.

Responsibility: Lands Department. Can such areas be cleared and landscaped to create garden areas?

REF: STW0250210

Collapsing shed with a stream running underneath opposite 69 Wang Long Village.

Responsibility: Even if this is private land, is there any assistance available to help people get rid of such things safely and properly?

REF: STW0260210

Landfill overspill from a building site near path at Wang Long near LVFP1119.

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: STW0270210

An old door beneath the notice board at the corner of Wang Long and Tai Wan villages.

Responsibility: Lands Department.

REF: STW0280210

The bins at Wang Long on the main path near Tai Wan village. Can this area be redesigned and landscaped to look attractive?

Responsibility: FEHD, LCSD

REF: STW0290210

Rusty metal fence on the main path at Wang Long Village. This is the main tourist route to Sok Yu Wan. Surely there could be something more attractive?

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: STW0300210

Landfill overspill from the building of new houses at Tai Yuen Village opposite the Yan Yan store. There are a lot of twisted, rusty metal in this, which could be dangerous.

Responsibility: Lands Department. Are there no stipulations that the land has to be made good, particularly so close to the public path?

REF: STW0310210

The bin area at Tai Yuen Village on the main path to Sok Yu Wan. This area could be redesigned and landscaped. There are no recycling bins here and it’s next to the shop.

Responsibility: FEHD, LCSD

REF: STW0320210

Government land with ugly fence and sign at Tai Yuen Village. Can this area be landscaped?

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: STW0330210

Construction area at Tai Yuen Village on the path near the Yan Yan store. Why is this such a mess?

Responsibility: Kaden, DSD

REF: STW0340210

An old piece of furniture and chair, which have been there for many months near 21 Tai Yuen Village.

Responsibility: FEHD

REF: STW0350210

The bin area at Tai Yuen Village on the main path opposite the grave. Another area for redesigning and landscaping. A line of bins on concrete like this does not look good, even when the area is clean, and is not in keeping with village/rural design.

Responsibility: FEHD, LCSD

REF: STW0360210

Organic waste, rubble and a broken pot behind the bins (above) at Tai Yuen Village. Can organic waste be shredded for composting?

Responsibility: FEHD

REF: STW0370210

Pipes and other construction waste next to Kaden site opposite Brothers shop and the Lamma Animal Protection on Back Street.

Responsibility: Kaden, DSD

REF: STW0380210

A stockpile of items at DD3 2038 at Sha Po behind the bike shop and opposite the gym.

Responsibility: Is this private land? What can a person do if their neighbour does this in front of their home? Lands Department.

REF: STW0390210

The path to the gym, broken boards again. Can a proper path be put here?

Responsibility: Who is responsible for connecting the houses with the main path?

REF: STW0400210

Old furniture, washing machine and other items opposite the bike shop on Back Street at Sha Po.

Responsibility: Lands Department, FEHD


REF: STW0410210

Old pumps next to the bins at Sha Po. The bin area needs redeveloping and these old pumps taking out.

Responsibility: Lands Department, FEHD, LCSD

REF: STW0420210

A pile of materials in the construction yard at Sha Po on view from Back Street, the main path to the beach and Sok Yu Wan. Is this rubbish, or is it fit for use? There are alternatives to ugly fencing and piling things in this way. This is in a residential area, opposite a pre-school and the Lamma Church. Surely it could look better?

Responsibility: Lands Department