Stop The Mess – I – Hung Shing Yeh

6. Hung Shing Yeh
REF: HSY0010210

Bin area at Hung Shing Yeh near the cable road. Need to redesign and think about landscaping. The dog toilets can be removed. Dogs do not use them. Perhaps more dog bins should be provided instead, but what happens to this waste?

Responsibility: FEHD, LCSD

REF: HSY0020210

Rusty metal and corrugated metal sheeting opposite the steps to the police station at Hung Shing Yeh.

Responsibility: Lands Department.

REF: HSY0030210

The bin area at lamppost number 31090 at Hung Shing Yeh. This area needs to be renovated and landscaped, and the area behind the bins cleared of rubbish.

Responsibility: FEHD, LCSD

REF: HSY0040210

This children’s climbing frame has been abandoned here for some time, with other bits of rubbish piled on top of it.

Responsibility: FEHD

REF: HSY0050210

Garden waste and old laminated furniture behind the Concerto Inn next to the path at Hung Shing Yeh.

Responsibility: Lands Department, FEHD

REF: HSY0060210

Area fenced off with sign. Though this probably deters people from dumping on this area, this does not improve the area. Can this be landscaped instead?

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: HSY0070210

More rubbish behind the Concerto Inn at Hung Shing Yeh. This is a notorious rubbish black spot. Why has it proved so difficult to clear this area up?

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: HSY0080210

More rubbish behind the Concerto Inn at Hung Shing Yeh, this time with old furniture.

Responsibility: Lands Department, FEHD

REF: HSY0090210

Old fridge and various bits of metal and piping behind the Concerto Inn at Hung Shing Yeh.

Responsibility: EPD, Lands Department, FEHD

REF: HSY0100210

Old washing machines, an old cooker and other rubbish behind the Concerto Inn at Hung Shing Yeh.

Responsibility: EPD, FEHD

REF: HSY0110210

Pipes and bits of metal in the same area.

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: HSY0120210

An old surfboard and various other bits of waste in the same area.

Responsibility: ?

REF: HSY0130210

A pile of rubble left behind after a job at Hung Shing Yeh beach. Why can’t this be cleared immediately after the job has finished?

Responsibility: LCSD?

REF: HSY0140210

Pile of old fans, bins, an old bench and other items stockpiled in public view next to the changing facilities at Hung Shing Yeh beach. Why is this rubbish being stored here?

Responsibility: LCSD

REF: HSY0150210

We know dogs are not allowed on the beach, but why has the LCSD building been defaced by so many signs (2 large banners and 7 signs)? Is there budget for signs but not for making Lamma look beautiful?

These signs spoil the attraction of the beach. Can signs be designed that bear the same message but are more sensitive to a rural environment?

Responsibility: LCSD

REF: HSY00160210

The area to the left of the refuse collection point at Hung Shing Yeh. Why is this piled with rubbish?

Responsibility: FEHD

REF: HSY0170210

The refuse collection point at Hung Shing Yeh. The bins have been moved forward presumably to encourage people to use them, but refuse is still placed at the side of this facility. The garden waste needs to be disposed of more effectively. This whole area should be redesigned to include recycling bins.

Responsibility: FEHD, LCSD

REF: HSY0180210

Rusty metal, old windows and railings opposite the refuse collection point at Hung Shing Yeh.

Responsibility: Lands Department? Is this private land?

REF: HSY0190210

This sign at Hung Shing Yeh near the police station is rusting and in need of renovation.

Responsibility: ?

REF: HSY0200210

The sign has vanished from its post next to the Lamma Island map above. Can this be removed or reused?

Responsibility: ?

REF: HSY0210210

The notice board opposite the police station is grotty and in need of an upgrade.

Responsibility: Which department is responsible for signs and notice boards?