Stop The Mess – J – Pak Kok

Pak Kok Village
REF: PK0021210

Rusty metal at Pak Kok Old Village near lamppost 47952.

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: PK00200210

Plastic pipe and metal drum at Pak Kok Old Village opposite house no 28 and near LP26294.

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: PK0030210

Building materials at turn off to Pak Kok Old village at LMACAB10

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: PK0040210

Building materials next to the bins at turn off to Pak Kok Old Village at LMACAB10

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: PK0050210

Old fridges, washing machines and construction materials (not all rubbish) at Pak Kok around the corner from the shop.

Responsibility: This looks like private land, but why are there so many old white goods sitting here next to the path? How can they be disposed of properly? How can a clean up be encouraged?

REF: PK0060210

Various rubbish – household, construction and organic next to bin in Pak Kok near lamppost 32561.

Responsibility: FEHD and Lands Department

REF: PK0070210

Old door and gas bottle near bin in Pak Kok near lamppost 32561.

Responsibility: FEHD

REF: PK0080210

Abandoned sign at Pak Kok near SN248 off the path to Yung Shue Wan.

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: PK0090210

Abandoned bicycle and rusty oil drum at Pak Kok near the picnic area bins opposite lamppost 26289

Responsibility: Lands Department

REF: PK0100210

Old oil drum near the bins at the picnic area on the Pak Kok – Yung Shue Wan path, opposite lamppost 26289

Responsibility: Lands Department. Can this map be restored? Which department is responsible for it?

REF: PK0110210

Various types of rubbish opposite the beach at Nga Kau Wan

Responsibility: FEHD and Lands Department. Could this area be landscaped?

REF: PK0120210

Metal drum and rebar on the beach at Nga Kau Wan

Responsibility: Lands Department?

REF: PK0130210

Sack cloth on the beach at Nga Kau Wan

Responsibility: Which department(s) are responsible for non-government beaches?

REF: PK0140210

Old rusty metal and fishing net on the beach at Nga Kau Wan

Responsibility: ?